AF Marcotec GmbH
Kirschberg 27
64347 Griesheim
Phone: +49 6155 88777-66
Fax: +49 6155 88777-55
Skype: A.F.Marcotec.GmbH
E-Mail: shop(at)
Office and Showroom hours:
Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5.30 pm
Pick up and shipping:
During office hours.
If you have any questions to our products or need information about purchasing?
Give us a call, drop an Email or come and visit us!
Phone: +49 6155 88777-66
Fax: +49 6155 88777-55
Skype: A.F.Marcotec.GmbH
E-Mail: shop(at)
How to find us:
• take the A5 heading to Darmstadt
• leave the highway at exit Darmstadt-Griesheim to get on B26
• exit B26 after approx. 650 meters into »Kirschberg«