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Blackmagic Design liefert erste BMCC bald aus, sagt Grant Petty

Verfasst von: René Shoukier  /   Kategorie: Allgemein   /   Keine Kommentare

BMCC Kamera Lieferung Update from Grant Petty, Blackmagic CEO 11/15:

“Some good news. If you have read my other posts about the causes of the camera delays then you know we have been dealing with a problem with our sensor supplier related to contamination of the glass that’s bonded on the front of the sensor. It’s not been clean and so we had to stop production of cameras,” says Grant Petty.

“There have been two issues here we have been dealing with, the first that the sensor supplier has not been able to see the contamination because their tests were not good enough, and secondly that they need to find a way of bonding the glass on the sensor without contamination.”

“The good news is that we got a small shipment of sensors that the sensor supplier had tested with their new test setup and they were all ok when we built cameras with them. This is good because they will now be able to see sensors that are contaminated and not ship us anything that’s unable to be used to build a camera.”

“Also, the sensor supplier has done a small run of sensors at the new company that’s bonding the glass and they got almost a 100% pass rate, which is also great. This means they finally have a solution to bonding on the glass that looks like it will work.”

“The plan at the moment is to do a small production run this week and we hope to get those sensors next week where we can build cameras using them and see how it all goes.”

“But things are looking quite good. This run of cameras next week will test the sensor supplier’s ability to build sensors without contamination and to also be able to test them correctly so we only get good sensors. If that’s all ok then we look like we will be able to move back into production.”

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Über den Autor

René Shoukier, joined AF Marcotec in 2008 and is our Managing Director with a strong passion for filmmaking and photography. He has a love for creativity and enjoys experimenting with various technicques in both print and web. Follow AF Marcotec on Twitter and get in touch with him and be sure to check out AF Marcotec on Facebook as well as Instagram, and Youtube.

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